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An investigation of inter-communal conflicts and their security implications in Obi Local Government Area, Nasarawa State

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
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  • NGN 5000

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
Inter-communal conflicts have become a recurring issue in many parts of Nigeria, with Obi Local Government Area (LGA) in Nasarawa State being one of the areas affected by such tensions. These conflicts often arise from competition over resources, historical grievances, and the breakdown of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms. In Obi, clashes between various ethnic and community groups over land, water, and political control have led to widespread violence, displacement, and destruction of properties. According to Tanimu (2024), the security implications of inter-communal conflicts are profound, as they lead to heightened insecurity, disruption of daily life, and often draw in other communities or neighboring regions. This study will investigate the causes of inter-communal conflicts in Obi LGA and analyze their broader security implications for the region.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Inter-communal conflicts in Obi LGA have escalated over time, with violent clashes leading to loss of lives, destruction of properties, and displacement of communities. These conflicts have not only caused immediate harm but have also had lasting effects on the security and social cohesion of the area. Despite the existence of various traditional and governmental efforts to resolve conflicts, the recurrence of these clashes raises questions about the effectiveness of current interventions. This study aims to investigate the factors driving inter-communal conflicts in Obi and explore their security implications.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

  • To examine the causes of inter-communal conflicts in Obi LGA.

  • To assess the security implications of these conflicts for local communities and governance.

  • To provide recommendations for peacebuilding and conflict resolution strategies in Obi LGA.

1.4 Research Questions

  • What are the primary causes of inter-communal conflicts in Obi LGA?

  • How do inter-communal conflicts affect security and governance in Obi LGA?

  • What measures can be taken to prevent and resolve inter-communal conflicts in Obi LGA?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

  • H₀: Inter-communal conflicts do not significantly affect security in Obi LGA.

  • H₁: Inter-communal conflicts significantly affect security in Obi LGA.

  • H₂: Peacebuilding and conflict resolution efforts are effective in reducing inter-communal conflicts in Obi LGA.

1.6 Significance of the Study
The study will contribute to understanding the root causes of inter-communal conflicts in Obi LGA and their broader implications for regional stability and governance. The findings could inform policymakers, local authorities, and peacebuilding organizations in developing effective strategies to prevent further conflicts and promote sustainable peace in the region.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study will focus on inter-communal conflicts in Obi LGA and their security implications. Limitations include the potential reluctance of community members to discuss ongoing conflicts due to fear of reprisals and the difficulty of accessing some areas affected by violence.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

  • Inter-communal Conflicts: Disputes and clashes between different community groups, often based on ethnic, religious, or resource-based differences.

  • Security Implications: The effects that conflicts or violence have on the safety, stability, and governance of a region.

  • Peacebuilding: Efforts aimed at preventing conflict, promoting understanding, and creating long-term solutions for sustainable peace.

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